Do your merchants use Viber, Skype or use a sheet to place orders from your customers?
Are you sure that in this way of working you get all the orders or that you get them at all?
We offer an Android application that is installed on Android phones by commercials and quickly, easily and accurately from your program they receive the necessary information in the field, quickly make the order and it is sent to the program.
For this way of working you have a complete overview by commercialist, by client, by order and realization of the same.
The software module contains a complete solution for making mobile orders on the Android platform. The module enables fast, reliable and simple data transfer to and from the field. Clear view of the item (stock, price) together with the product catalog - pictures of what the items look like
Entering orders
Identification of clients by code, name, bar code or list
Identify an item by scanning a barcode, entering a barcode manually, entering a code or item name, or working with a predefined item list
Possibility to give a rebate on each item
Possibility to define a system of price lists
Possibility for a limit per customer according to the due balance
Print a document on a matrix printer
List of all made documents
List the data of a created document on the screen
Balance sheet, card, IOS, customer specification
View item inventory and item sales card
Item code view
Clients overview of clients
Option to automatically print orders in the warehouse